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Am I at a higher risk of getting COVID-19 if I am a tobacco smoker?

Evidence from  countries and community reporting COVID-19 related fatalities has highlighted that the people are consuming any form of tobacco die due to Covid19 infection .

According to survey Tobacco play important roles in Tobacco is the foremost preventable cause of death and disease in the world today, killing half of the people who use it .

As per Global Adult Tobacco Survey-India (GATS2) India is home to over 30 crore tobacco users and globally it is the second largest producer and consumer of tobacco products. 

Tobacco and nicotine use, NCDs & COVID-19 

The use of tobacco is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease ,  many respiratory infections and increases the severity of respiratory diseases

In case of Covid19 , patients develop pneumonia .
The chemicals in tobacco smoke
suppress the activity of different types of immune cells that are involved in general and targeted immune responses. Due to suppression of immune system response  secondary infections are occur and patients become more sick , in last due to    severe infection in chest patient unable to breathe , in this patient need ventilator.

Transmission of Covid viruse

Smokers are likely to be more vulnerable to COVID-19 as the act of smoking means that 

fingers (and possibly contaminated cigarettes) are in contact with lips which increases the 

possibility of transmission of virus from hand to mouth. Doctors have confirmed that smokers 

are more likely to develop severe symptoms or die from COVID-19.

Evidence from  countries and community reporting COVID-19 related fatalities has highlighted that the people with pre-existing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Asthma
Diabetes mellitus
Coronary artery disease
all types of malignancy 
Are more susceptible to becoming severely ill with COVID-19. Tobacco, being one of the causes behind these NCDs . 

existing evidence that tobacco use impacts the lungs and other organs, lowers the immunity and makes people vulnerable to COVID-19 or other Non communicable disease Hypertension , Coronary artery disease, COPD , asthma , cancer.

The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare warns against the use of any tobacco products.

Benefits of quitting

Within 24 hours of quitting, 

the carbon monoxide level in the bloodstream drops to normal. 

Within 3-12 weeks, 

circulation improves and lung function increases. 

After 3-9 months, 

coughing and shortness of breath decrease.

Reference link - 

1 - https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1
2- https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/11-05-2020-who-statement-tobacco-use-and-covid-19#:~:text=Tobacco%20s moking%20is%20a%20known,%2C%20compared%20to%20non%2Dsmokers
3- http://www.nhp.gov.in/quit-tobacco

Am I at a higher risk of getting COVID-19 if I am a tobacco smoker?




Animals that Can Spread Rabies

Both wild and domesticated animals can spread the rabies virus. main sources of rabies infection in humans:

- dogs

- bats

- ferrets

- cats

- cows

- goats

- horses

- rabbits

- beavers

- coyotes

- foxes

- monkeys

- raccoons

- skunks

- woodchucks

Incubation period -

 The period between the bite and the onset of symptoms is called the incubation period.
Usually 20-60 days ,  Some time rabies take few months to 6 year to develop
Rabies symptoms.

Sign and symptoms - 

Rabies disease infected person has very bed prognosis , if he or she infected and not take full course of treatment , ultimately he or she die due to paralysis of respiratory muscle . 

initial infected person only develop
- Fever 
- Muscles weakness
- Tingling 

- In later stage -

- Hydrophobia - watch this video for 14 year child develop Hydrophobia and Aerophobia symptom- 
- Aerophobia
- Excessive sweating
- Hallucinations 

- muscle spasm

Infected people progressively developed paralysis and coma and lastly die .

Specimen for diagnosis-

Living person- biopsy of skin follicles on nape of neck > corneal scrapings

Dead person- brain biopsy

Living dog - brain biopsy

Dead dog - brain biopsy


animal bites except human & rat bite

BARRIER-  water



 - clean bya Soap and running water for 5-10 minutes

- No sutures generally


Developed from fix virus type



  HRIG - 20IU/KG
  ERIG - 40IU/KG

How to prevent rabies

- Get a rabies vaccination before handling , working closely with animals, or working in a lab handling the rabies virus.

- Vaccinate your pets.

- Keep your pets from roaming outside.

- Report stray animals to animal control.

- Avoid contact with wild animals.

- Prevent bats from entering home

You should report any signs of an infected animal to your local animal control or health departments.


Corona Epidemic - A Social Mirror 

The corona is capped as a very large epidemic. Due to which millions of people have died. Thousands of doctors and staff have lost their lives fighting Corona. But some aspects need to be specifically looked at.

* 01.Social Expectation, Government Hospital * - There is no doubt that the general public has come to know the importance of government hospitals as government hospital is the only silver lining for 99% Indian citizen in this epidemic. Therefore, there is a great need for reform in the health system.

02. * Pathetic Government Hospital * - This is the only hope ray in the corona epidemic, not only the government-administration's administration today, but also the sadness and misconduct of the years has come to the fore. But still a large population is blaming the doctor for this. While the corrupt, smooth and indifferent system created under the coronation of politicians and bureaucrats is responsible for the pathetic conditions of government hospitals.

03. * Corona Sero-Prevalence Study * - We should demand SeroPrevalence study in all places.
No government wants to conduct seroPrevalence Study because this will reveal the true figure of corona in the community and more than that the failure of the government will be revealed.

04. *Corona routine test* - In the present round, corona should be included in routine test and that too for free. So that any patient / doctor can be tested in case of any doubt. Right now, along with Corona, there is a great need to eradicate her fear. Hence corona needs to be included in routine test. It can also be of great help in identifying asymptomatic patients.

05. * Indian Medical Services * - It is clear from the tragedy of Corona that this health system composed by Burocrates needs a reformation laid on the foundation of doctors' medical knowledge and experience. A medical cadre is needed.
But since medical science is based on a modern scientific method, then its paramount knowledge can also be knowledgeable of a modern medicine, how alternative medicine can understand it and the operation is far away.
And it is very important to give priority to experienced doctors in this cadre. It is necessary to have experienced doctors in the new cadre.

Corona Epidemic - A Social Mirror

Corona Virus: How long does it take to recover after infection

Even though the epidemic of Covid-19 started in the end of 2019, there are now indications that some patients may take a long time to recover completely.

The time it takes to recover after infection will depend on the extent to which you were sick first.

It is possible that some people will get rid of the disease soon and some people have to struggle for a long time to overcome it.

Age, sex and other health problems, all these things increase the risk of a person getting seriously ill from covid-19.
What if I have mild symptoms?

Most people who get infected with the corona virus have prominent symptoms like cough and fever.

But they may complain of body pain, fatigue, sore throat and headaches.

Initially there is a dry cough, but some people eventually start coughing with mucus which contains 'dead cells' (dead cells) of the lungs killed due to corona virus.

As a treatment for these symptoms, it is recommended to take rest, to drink paracetamol and sufficient amount of water as a pain killer.

People with mild symptoms are expected to recover quickly. It should take less than a week to get fever, although cough may take longer than normal.

What if I have severe symptoms?

This disease can cause very serious conditions for some people. It is known within seven to ten days of infection.

Health conditions can deteriorate rapidly. With a complaint of lung irritation, it becomes difficult to breathe.

This happens because the body's resistance system is trying to fight against infection.

Actually, the immune system reacts strongly against the corona virus and some of its damage happens to our body as well.

Some people need to be hospitalized for oxygen therapy.

Indian dr shubham says, "It may take a little longer to improve shortness of breath ... the body starts recovering from irritation and discomfort."

Sara says that it can take two to eight weeks for such patients to recover. Although their weakness may persist for a little longer.

What if I have severe symptoms or I need to go to ICU?

According to the World Health Organization, only one in 20 people need to go to ICU. This may also include placing it on the ventilator.

If a person is admitted in the ICU, then it definitely takes time to recover from the disease, whatever the illness. After the ICU, the person is first shifted to the General Ward and only then he is allowed to go home.

Dean of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, Dr.s.k Jain says that it can take 12 to 18 months for a person to return to normal life after critical care.

Massive damage to muscles occurs by lying on a hospital bed for a long time. The patient becomes weak and it takes time to regain strength in the muscles. In some cases, people have to take physiotherapy to walk again in a normal way.

During the stay in ICU, the body goes through many treatments and mediums and in such a situation there is a possibility of psychological problems.

"With this disease - viral fatigue is definitely a huge factor," says Critical Care Physiotherapist .

Corona Virus: How long does it take to recover after infection?

Immunotherapy has become a powerful clinical strategy for treating cancer. 

What is immunotherapy ?

Immunotherapy for cancer is a form of treatment that uses the body’s immune system to combat the disease. Today, immunotherapy is being applied to a wide range of cancers, often in combination with other agents, and clinical trials are exploring ways of improving and expanding its effectiveness.

 Not all patients with these cancers are eligible for immunotherapy. A variety of factors — the genetic makeup of the tumor cells, how far the cancer has advanced and whether it has responded to previous treatments

Immunotherapy has been approved for the treatment of the following cancers.
1- Bladder cancer
2- Breast cancer
3- cervical cancer
4- colorectal Cancer
5- head and neck cancer
6- esophagus cancer
7- kidney cancer
8- leukemia
9- liver cancer
10- lung cancer 
11- lymphoma
12- melanoma
13- prostate cancer
14- skin cancer

Difference between immunotherapy Vs chemotherapy

Unlike chemotherapy, which acts directly on cancerous tumors, immunotherapy treats patients by acting on their immune system. Immunotherapy can boost the immune response in the body as well as teach the immune system how to identify and destroy cancer cells.

Every patient should determine, in consultation with their oncologist and care team, the cancer treatment path that’s right for them, whether that be chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or a  of these or other types of cancer treatments. 


Synairgen announces positive results from trial of SNG001  in 
hospitalised COVID-19 patients

- Patients who received SNG001 had a 79% lower risk of developing severe disease compared to placebo .

- SNG001, an inhaled of IFN-β1a for nebulisation as a broad-spectrum antiviral to treat/prevent severe viral lung infection's .

- SNG001 , IFN-β1a  Well tolerated in asthma/COPD patients / Covid19 patients .

What is  IFN-β1a

IFN-β is used in the form of natural fibroblast or recombinant preparations (interferon beta-1a and innterferon beta-1b) and exerts antiviral and antiproliferative properties similar to those of interferon alfa. Although its efficacy has been debated .

How IFN-β1a  works

1- Causes controlled cell death in cells that cannot stop the infection, preventing the spread of the infection

2- Drives the expression of 100s of antiviral proteins, which act at different stages of the viral replication cycle, resulting in broad antiviral protection

3- Activates immune cells to eliminate virus-infected cells .

Antiviral activity of interferon (IFN) β-1a. Cytopathic effect (CPE) on infected cells treated with increasing doses of Interferon beta

IFN-β1a highly effective in inhibiting in vitro SARS-CoV-2 replication at clinically 

achievable concentration when administered after virus infection

• This trial of hospitalised COVID-19 patients showed that SNG001:

1- Reduced the odds of developing severe 

disease by 79%

2- Increased the likelihood of recovery 2 to 3-fold

3-Significantly reduced breathlessness

4- Encouraging hospital discharge data

For details visit official site  


Trial of Covid-19 drug given via inhaler ‘very promising’, say scientists

Dr. Lahiri can be seen even today with a bag in one hand, a black umbrella in the other or walking towards the BHU Hospital. He is so self-respecting and so devoted to his profession that he even refused to see the ailing Vice Chancellor of BHU at his house. Such doctor is given the status of God. 

Stories of patients being plundered from all doctors are heard every day, but Dr. Lahiri is a doctor of the country who treats patients free of cost. Dr. Lahiri has been awarded the fourth best civilian award 'Padma Shri' in the year 2016 by the Government of India for his service. Dr. Lahiri started his career as a professor in the Banaras Hindu University in 1974 and even today he is no less than an angel in Benaras. In Benaras, people know him as a real God.

Dr. Lahiri is still alive the dream which Madan Mohan Malaviya founded BHU. Even after his retirement from BHU in the year 2003, his relationship has not broken from there.

 Today, while most doctors are living the life of glitter, luxury, driving in expensive cars, liaising with pharmaceutical companies and pathology centers for modest commissions, they studied for three decades in a medical college. - Dr Lahiri, who produces hundreds of doctors, does not own a four-wheeler. The ability he has, the fame and respect he has, he could have earned crores by opening a luxurious hospital, but even after retiring from his job, he could retain himself as a general practitioner of poor and helpless patients. Want to He still walks from his residence to the hospital on foot. Today, due to them, the heart of millions of poor patients, who were unable to get expensive treatment due to lack of money, is beating. While suffering from serious heart diseases, all the poor were dying in the face of death, then Dr. Lahiri saved them as an angel.

Dr. Lahiri is as committed to his profession, as punctual as his time. Today he is almost 75 years old, but seeing him, the people of BHU mix the needles of their watch. They come and go to BHU at the appointed time every day. After retiring, the university gave him the status of Emeritus Professor. He was Professor Emeritus there from the year 2003 to 2011. Even after this, in view of his devotion to duty, he is still serving as Emeritus Professor. 

In the round, many doctors do not miss to pay the bills by placing the corpses on the ventilator, in that period the story of this divine doctor can be revered to any person. Even after retiring, Dr. TK Lahiri, who is associated with Dilozan for patients, has mastered open heart surgery. People of Varanasi call him a great man.

He was appointed as a lecturer at BHU for Rs 250 a month in 1974 after his doctorate from the US. He did not even marry to serve poor patients. Since 1997, he stopped taking salary. At that time his total salary was above one lakh rupees.

The PF he got after retiring also left for BHU. Dr. Lahiri says that after retirement he got offers from many big hospitals of America, but he is determined to serve the patients of his country all his life. He reaches BHU daily at six in the morning and returns home after three hours of duty. Similarly, they perform their duty every evening. Instead, he does not avail any facility other than accommodation from BHU.

Do you know this great man of India? Dr Lahiri