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The Biggest Contribution Of Russia's Covid-19 Vaccine To Humanity.

Why Is Everyone Talking About Russia's Covid-19 Vaccine?

Now a day after russia announced world's first corona virus vaccine india is among the 20 other countries that have intrest in russian vaccine Sputnik V . 

Sputnik V russia has said that it is mulling to conduct phase 3 clinical trail in different countries including saudi arabia ,uae , brazil , indonesia , philippines , maxico and india .

 Russia also plans to start mass production of its vacccine in partnership with other nations in fact this come after russian president vladimir putin announced that Moscow's institute has developed  a covid 19 vaccine there .

 Russian president also said that health ministry has approved this vaccine and his own daughter got the first shot  . however soon after its announcement the vaccine raised eyebrows over its super fast speed of development.

Russia vaccine manufactured by BINNOPHARM in Zelenograd. the company says it can produce 1.5 million doses of the product per year .


Learn The Truth About Russia's Covid-19 Vaccine In The Next 60 Seconds.

Health expert have voiced concerns saying that human trails take several years but sputnil V we it took just two months .

United states health ministry has said that it's more important to have a safe and effected vaccine against the corona virus than to be the first one to produce the vaccine .

Russian government press release that the covid-19 vaccine showed high efficacy and saftey , and there was no danger side effects .

When russian vaccine will come to india ? 

August - approval 

September - Doctors , health care workers 

October - Mass production

we can expect around December

The Biggest Contribution Of Russia's Covid-19 Vaccine To Humanity.

The Biggest Contribution Of Russia's Covid-19 Vaccine To Humanity.

Why Is Everyone Talking About Russia's Covid-19 Vaccine?

Now a day after russia announced world's first corona virus vaccine india is among the 20 other countries that have intrest in russian vaccine Sputnik V . 

Sputnik V russia has said that it is mulling to conduct phase 3 clinical trail in different countries including saudi arabia ,uae , brazil , indonesia , philippines , maxico and india .

 Russia also plans to start mass production of its vacccine in partnership with other nations in fact this come after russian president vladimir putin announced that Moscow's institute has developed  a covid 19 vaccine there .

 Russian president also said that health ministry has approved this vaccine and his own daughter got the first shot  . however soon after its announcement the vaccine raised eyebrows over its super fast speed of development.

Russia vaccine manufactured by BINNOPHARM in Zelenograd. the company says it can produce 1.5 million doses of the product per year .


Learn The Truth About Russia's Covid-19 Vaccine In The Next 60 Seconds.

Health expert have voiced concerns saying that human trails take several years but sputnil V we it took just two months .

United states health ministry has said that it's more important to have a safe and effected vaccine against the corona virus than to be the first one to produce the vaccine .

Russian government press release that the covid-19 vaccine showed high efficacy and saftey , and there was no danger side effects .

When russian vaccine will come to india ? 

August - approval 

September - Doctors , health care workers 

October - Mass production

we can expect around December

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